Divi page builder is a popular WordPress plugin that works with virtually any WordPress theme, including those that have not been built by the developer. It is mostly used in premium WordPress themes and can allow you to build just about any type of website.
Although the Divi Page builder has revolutionized the way we build websites, it also has its own set of challenges, the most rampant one being slowing down a WordPress site. If you own a website, then you know that website speed plays a crucial role in determining how your audience perceives your brand.
If your website is slow, it will have a high bounce rate because most users will ditch it for a faster website. So, why does Divi page builder slow down a WordPress website and what can you do to make your Divi WordPress faster? In this article, we will tell you the cause and solutions to the problem.
Almost every page builder for WordPress slows down a website because the page builder adds extra JavaScript and CSS. When someone visits your website, this code must be transmitted and loaded. The more “containers” you create in the Divi page builder, the more code is generated that slows down your website.
One of the main reasons why the Divi page builder is slowing down your WordPress website is because it adds extra JavaScript and CSS to your WordPress website which in turn flags multiple issues in the lighthouse and other testing tools. It also adds extra Divi plugins that also increase load times.
Another reason why the Divi page builder is slowing down your WordPress website is that it contains bloated codes which are slowing down your website speed. Divi page builder contains templates that are loaded with excess code which can slow down your WordPress site performance.
Divi page builder is also known for having too many plugins which can slow down your WordPress site. There is no doubt that Plugins are a great addition to a WordPress website because it provides features that enhance the experience of the user. However, having too many plugins can be a curse more than a blessing because it will bog your WordPress website, thus slowing it down. Some experts also say that the reason why Divi page builder could be slowing down WordPress websites is that it is too bulky for WordPress but the developer does not want to disclose that information. Divi page builder contains too much information, which makes it bulky.
Divi page builder is one of the oldest page builders on the market. The fact that it is old means that the developer usually makes continuous improvements to enhance its performance. The updates released usually come with a huge tower of code which can put a lot of strain on your WordPress site, thus slowing it down.
Now that you know the things that could be slowing down your Divi WordPress website, you are probably wondering what you should do to make your website faster. There are multiple things that you can do to make the Divi WordPress website faster as discussed below.
One of the things you need to do to make your Divi WordPress faster is to find a better hosting provider.
The fact is that web host providers are not equal, some are better than others. If you have been using a cheaper hosting service, then you should upgrade to a good host. Although that will cost you more, you will enjoy better website speed on your Divi WordPress website.
Another thing that can help to increase your Divi WordPress website speed is by optimizing it. Site optimization will help you find and clear out the clutter that is slowing down your website and that can help to increase speed. Clearing old and outdated data will make it easy to find things because your site speed will be much quicker.
Minimizing additions to your Divi WordPress website will also help you boost speed. Reduce the number of special text, plugins, interactive menus, and much more. The secret to improving web page speed is simplicity. Ensure that any addition to your website is necessary and will not impact your site’s performance and speed.
A content delivery network (CDN) is a group of geographically distributed servers that accelerate the delivery of web content by bringing it closer to where users are. Data centers around the world use caching. This is a process that temporarily stores copies of files to allow you faster access to Internet content from a server near you using a web-enabled device or browser. CDNs store content such as webpages, images, and videos in proxy servers close to your physical location. For example, you can watch a movie, download software, check your account balance, post on social media, or make purchases without waiting for content to load.
Slow web pages can harm your website’s reputation, thus reducing your website traffic. If the Divi page builder that you are using is slowing your WordPress sites, then it could be because of multiple reasons as discussed above. Fortunately, you can increase the speed of your Divi WordPress website by following the simple tips given above.